RaCERS-Affiliated Expert Quoted on Beirut Explosion
Dr. Vyto Babrauskas, an internationally-recognized expert on fire science, is quoted by multiple media sources for his expertise on dynamics of ammonium nitrate explosion, and regulatory inadequacies surrounding its storage. Quoted in New Scientist magazine, Babrauskas stated 100 per cent of explosions of ammonium nitrate in storage are due to uncontrolled fires.”
Babrauskas has published analysis of a deadly ammonium nitrate explosion in West, Texas, and presented his findings and recommendations for regulatory reform at a Regenhard Center presentation held in March 2020.
The Christian Regenhard Center for Emergency Response Studies prides itself on identifying emergent and underappreciated threats to first responders, and sponsors an ongoing speakers series. It is the only academic center devoted to cross-discipline policy analysis of first responder coordination in large and complex events.