Urban Hazards Forum
The first major interdisciplinary conference devoted to urban emergency management and related specialties, held in January 2002. This event was sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region II.
The following publications and resources pre-date formation of RaCERS, but are products of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice of the City University of New York, and are relevant to the mission of the Christian Regenhard Center for Emergency Response Studies. They are included because they may be of interest to readers.
› Institution of Fire Engineers/John Jay College Symposium Series 1999-2003
Proceedings from a series of conferences, held under US Fire Administration and corporate sponsorship, at the Fire Department Instructor's Conference.
2003 – Command, Control, and Communications: Assessing the Technologies.
2002 – Second International Conference on Fire Service Deployment Analysis.
2001 – Improving Firefighter Safety: Human Behavior and Organizational Aspects.
2000 – Customers, Changes, and New Challenges. Reinventing the Fire Service: An International Conference.
1999 – International Conference on Fire Service Deployment Analysis.
(Limited copies of these proceedings are available by request.)
Groundbreaking report on design and evaluation of fire education programs by Philip Schaenman, Hollis Stambaugh, Christina Rossomando, Charles Jennings, and Carolyn Perroni. Arlington, Virginia: TriData Corporation, 1990.