
What is the Urban Hazards Forum?

Emergency management as a discipline has grown in recent years and has been embraced by both government and the private sector as a means for improving the response to natural and manmade disasters. Additionally, the specter of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction pose grave threats to urban areas. This increased awareness has not kept pace with research and analysis of emergency management from an urban perspective.

FEMA Region II has sponsored this conference to stimulate an exchange of ideas, best practices, and identify research and policy needs in the special area of dealing with and mitigating the consequences of natural and man-made hazards in urban environments.

The results of the conference include summary papers and presentations identifying key areas for further research, and best practices for sharing with others across a wide range of disciplines and functions in the public, private, and non-profit sectors.

What is the Purpose?

By gathering a mix of academics, experienced practitioners, and decision-makers, an open dialogue occurred on natural and man-made hazards in the urban environment. The Forum culminated in a set of proceedings including papers, copies of presentations, summary presentations, and findings of the Forum. Other resources and links to organizations will be included.