Board Member Co-Edits Handbook of Cognitive and Autonomous Systems for Fire Resilient Infrastructures; Two Chapters Written by RaCERS Affiliates
RaCERS Executive Committee and Faculty member Glenn Corbett co-Edited (with M. Z Nasar of Clemson University) the Handbook of Cognitive and Autonomous Systems for Fire Resilient Infrastructures, published by Springer. The ambitious volume “draws convergence between civil engineering and firefighting to the modern realm of interdisciplinary sciences (i.e., artificial intelligence, IoT, robotics, sensing, and human psychology). As such, this work aims to revolutionize the current philosophy of design for one of the most notorious extreme events: fire,” according to the publisher.
The book contains contributions from Brian J. Meacham; RaCERS Fellow Vytenis Babrauskas; Casey Grant; Fang Li; Kevin J. LaMalva; Ricardo A. Medina; Xinyan Huang, Xiqiang Wu, Asif Usmani; Brian Y. Lattimer; Jonathan L. Hodges; Jonathan L. Hodges, Brian Y. Lattimer, Vernon L. Champlin; RaCERS Director Charles R. Jennings; Wojciech Kowalski, Adam Krasuski, Andrzej Krauze, Adam Baryłka; Wojciech Węgrzyński, Piotr Antosiewicz; Ana Sauca; and Liming Jiang, Xiqiang Wu, and Yaqiang Jiang.
Vytenis Babrauskas (RaCERS Fellow) contributed a chapter “A Twenty-First Century Approach to Fire Resistance” which challenges the applicability of current structural fire resistance ratings.
Charles Jennings (RaCERS Director) wrote “Implementing AI to Assist Situation Awareness: Organizational and Policy Challenges.” which lays out challenges of adoption and use of advancing technologies for first responder incident management and response, focused on high-rise buildings.